HE > i

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Is this real life?!

Team South Africa!! Here we all are, plus one. Gabriella Winters has joined our team in place of our leader Erika Spitler. Erika has some health issues that need to be taken care of so she and Caleb, our co-leader prayed about who should take her place and the Lord clearly told them Gabby was to take up the position of head outreach leader. So for the past week, the group and and myself have been getting to know Gabby and as each day passes by, we all are seeing that she is the perfect woman for the job. 

Yesterday was the day we sent out our first outreach team. Team Uganda!! It was super emotional and sad but everyone was so excited for the team to go out and be the first to go and change the world. Slowly, teams depart from our campus and to head out to their countries to live in for tow and a half months to love on people and share the gospel. It will be difficult at times but will be al worth it in the end.
2 Timothy 1:8 Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God.

I cant wait to embark on this new half of the crazy adventure that God has put me on. I am so stoked to meet people from South Africa who desire only to be loved. I want to be that person that loves them. I want to be a representation of Jesus Christ to whoever I encounter so that they will know God through the way I love them.

Please pray that my team arrives in Cape Town, South Africa safely on Sunday and that all our luggage and personal belongings such as our cameras, laptops, and phones are safe in our hands and wherever else we leave them in our house. In Africa, I wont have internet connection, but will write posts to put up here and Facebook whenever I can find a coffee shop or anything else that allows wifi. Thank you all who have supported me this whole time I've been gone, financially and prayerfully. Thank you thank you!! Love and miss you all and I'll see you in September!!